Emergency and Humanitarian Response

KAALO has strong and diverse experience in humanitarian emergency response programming in a wide range of areas including the following


  1. Water sanitation and hygiene
  2. Food security and livelihoods
  3. Health and nutrition
  4. Protection, Camp coordination and management
  5. Educational support


KAALO adopts globally accepted humanitarian programming standards / principles and best practices such as the Common Humanitarian Standards (CHS), SPHERE Standards, Do No Harm, Common Humanitarian Accountability Principles and Somali Clusters’ Guidelines and Standards to ensure quality and e_ectiveness in the coordination and implementation of all programs. It’s also embraced right-based programming KAALO is an active member in the Somali and Puntland’s humanitarian cluster system as evidenced through its leadership of Somali NGOs to the humanitarian Country team (HCT) over the 2020 – 2021 period.


The HCT is the highest coordination and governance body of humanitarian programming in Somalia. KAALO is also a member of the Global network in Disaster risk reduction (GNDR). Further, KAALO actively participated and contributes to the locally initiated and led CSO coordination frameworks/ platforms such as SOSCENSA, PUNSAA, and the Somali NGO Consortium. At the same time, KAALO is also part of several local and international CSO Consortia i.e. BRCIS consortium, NEXUS consortium, CRISP consortium focussed on resilience building and governance programming in Somalia.



Water sanitation and


– Water trucking using voucher

– Cash for water

– Public health promotion through Community hygiene

Volunteers on behaviour change

– Hygiene Materials (In-kind or Cash)

– Water source Rehabilitation

– Community-led total sanitation using demonstration and


– Campaigns General cleaning and awareness-raising

Food Security and Livelihoods

– Cash for food assistance (unconditional or conditional)

– Food assistance through vouchers or in-kind

– Support provision of inputs (in kind or cash)

– Multipurpose Cash Transfers (MPCT)

– Income Generation activities (IGAs) support in terms of

Knowledge, skills, access to loan and savings and cash grants

Protection and CCCM

– Prevention services: Education and awareness raising, Male

engagement transformative approaches, community protection

volunteer engagement, community protection forums

and Information Education communication (IEC); materials

and radio messages

– GBV multi response services (medical, legal psychosocial

and livelihood services)

– Survivors’ Centred approach’s

– Service mapping and referral pathways

– Camp safety audits and inclusive comp management Committees

– Influence leaders’ engagement

Health and nutrition

– Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses

– Immunisation (EPI) services

– maternal health and laboratory services

– Health and nutrition surveillance,

– construction, rehabilitation and management of public

health clinics

– capacity building of health staff among others.

Educational Support

– Teachers Incentives

– Provision Learning materials

– Teacher and CEC capacity building

– Food or cash for education

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