Sustainable Food Security & Livelihoods

Sustainable livelihood is KAALO’s second strategic thematic area that focuses on resiliencevbuilding and development programming, In this thematic area, KAALO has implemented programs such as Building Community Resilience on climate shocks, Food and income Security, Sustainable water for domestic use and production, and Sustainable health and nutrition services, Youth Employments.

KAALO has technical expertise and experience in resilience building and development programming as is currently implementing projects in these areas while utilizing a mix of programme delivery approaches. The following are key approaches and model that KAALO has been using:



Building Community Resilience on climate related shocks (Drought, Flooding, Cyclone)

– Community Early Warning Early Action system
– Community Disaster Risk Reduction contingency plans
– Climate adoptive village approaches
– Social Capital on Social cohesion

Food and income Security

– Surface Water development
o Earth Dams
o Haffir Dams
– Underground Water development
o Shallow Wells
o Boreholes
– Use of Renewable energy on water production and irrigation
– Climate Smart Irrigation system development
o Drip irrigations system
o Wireless Automatic Irrigations

Youth Employments

– Vocations Skill development
– Social skill development
– Access to finance
– Internship and apprenticeship
– Youth entrepreneurship and SME development
– Innovation hub for youth.

Sustainable health and
nutrition services

– Expansion of health facilities
– Capacity building for health staff
– IYCF counselling
– Public Health Promotion
– Community led total sanitation (CLTS)

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